How to Prepare for Your St. Patrick’s Bash

Everyone is a little Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, and celebrations usually involve drinking. It’s important not to get carried away while enjoying the holiday, and professional bartenders can help. If you’re the host, you might want to hire entertainment for your guests so they have something to do besides drink. Here’s more on how to prepare for your St. Patrick’s bash.

Drink Responsibly

Alcohol is often involved in holiday celebrations, especially on St. Patrick’s Day. Some people have no problem controlling themselves, but others tend to get caught up in the festivities and overdo it. Prepare for your St. Patrick’s bash by reminding yourself and others to drink responsibly. It’s a good idea to alternate every alcoholic beverage with a glass of water. This is particularly helpful if you’re going to be playing games that have you drink large amounts over a short period of time.

Hire a Bartender

It can be tough to relax and have fun when you’re hosting the party. If you want to let loose and not worry so much about the usual responsibilities, hire a bartender for your St. Patrick’s Day gathering. Coordinate with your professional bartender before the party so all the usual cocktails will be available. Your bartender can also help entertain guests and make sure everyone is drinking responsibly.

Provide Entertainment

As fun as drinking games might be, your guests will appreciate other forms of entertainment. If you want to go all out, you can hire a DJ or live music for your party. This type of entertainment can also help you keep your party under control, as it gives people something to do other than drink.


The expert bartenders at Professional Bartenders Unlimited can help you enjoy a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day, and you can check out our website to find out exactly how. Give us a call at (520) 721-1577 to speak with us about your event.